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See latest news below

Gosnells City FC was established in 1969. Through it’s many name changes our continued aim has been to promote the game of football in the community, whilst encouraging our players, coaches, managers and parents to develop an appreciation and enjoyment of the game and its skills.


Our Club's objectives are reflected in all our approaches to the game of Association Football:

  • To allow all players to enjoy the game.

  • To encourage all players to play to the best of their abilities.

  • To provide a skills and learning environment in which players can fully appreciate all aspects of football as a team game.

  • To promote good sportsmanship and goodwill.

  • To encourage pride in our Club and their own achievements as players in our Club.

  • To provide cohesive development pathways from grass roots to elite, and providing education, information and technical support to all.


Our Club is a member of Football West who is affiliated with the Football Federation Australia

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Our Main Sponsors

Please look on our Sponsors page for more details of the packages available for your business.

                         Also - Visit our merchandise page


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We are very pleased to offer our club membership again for the 2025 season.

Fantastic benefits can be gained and also supporting the clubs progress, and receiving news on events and happenings.

See the poster below for details.

Club Membership Poster 2025.png

Gosnells City Football Club would like to

thank BenchMark Recruitment and

BMR Fabrication for sponsoring the

Club again for the 2025 season.


We appreciate your very generous donation again, and look forward to promoting BMR.

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Thank you to everyone who attended the Clubs 2024 AGM last Wednesday evening.


During the meeting, the appointment of the Gosnells City FC Club Committee for 2024/25 was as follows:

                    Ossie Pereira - President

                    Sue Nickisson - Secretary (2 year term)

                    Laz Jakso - Junior Coordinator

                    Alison Claxton - Club Registrar

                    Ann Devereux - Assistant Club Registrar

                    Dawn Pereira - Equipment/Kit Manager

                    Mary McKinnon - Committee Member

                    Darren Brooke - Committee Member

                    Alex Papalia - Committee Member

                    Stacy Brooke - Committee Member

                    Mark Hollins - Committee member

The club welcomes Stacy and Mark as new members of the committee.


The club are also seeking the position of Treasurer and Deputy President, please email;, if you are interested or would like more information.


Gosnells City FC would also like to show our appreciation to Rooney (aka Peter Allen),

who, after many years serving the Committee, has decided to leave the role.


Saying all that, at the AGM meeting, the Committee and attendees were really happy

to approve the nomination of Life Member to Rooney. Really well earned.

Thank you to everyone who made it an evening to remember at 'Beaumonde On The Point'

for our Gosnells City FC, 2024 Club Awards Presentation Evening.


A really good occasion and a special congratulations go to all the award winners.

Click Logo to view photgraphs
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We would like to thank McDonalds and

Supafit Seat Covers for sponsoring our Women's Team for this season.


Nick Agostino is associated with many of the McDonalds Fast Food Chain local to us, and we appreciate is association with the Club again.


We also thank Peter Fenn, from Supafit Seat covers, for the new sponsorship, and we hope

that this will continue into the future.

Have a look at the Supafit website for more information:


Thank you again for sponsoring our

Women's team at Gosnells City FC


A very big Thank You to Dave McKee and his team at King Road Brewing for renewing the sponsorship of our Club for this season.


Beside sponsoring our Club, Dave has completed the installation of our beer pumps and the cold store upgrade.


We really do appreciate the work carried out on the bar pumps and supply of equipment, and also your very generous donation to our Club.


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A very big thank you to Andrew Walker
for sponsoring our State League U18's.
Your donation was very much appreciated
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Thank you again Southern River Superwash for renewing your
sponsorship of Gosnells City Football Club


Your continued generous sponsorship will again

be used towards our aim to promote the game

                 of football in the community.


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                                                      A very big THANK YOU to LAKERS                                                         TAVERN (ALH Holding PTY Ltd)

                                                         for their continued sponsorship of                                                 Gosnells City FC.


                                                            The 2024 sponsorship, will again be                                                                  used towards junior teams development


Did you know you can support this sponsorship and save money?


Become a Club Member of Gosnells City FC and you will also be given a Lakers discount card. This will allow you to receive 5% discount off the cost of your meals, drinks etc. with the club also receiving 5% sponsorship.

The Lakers discount card must be shown when making a purchase at the venue.


Enjoy a visit to Lakers Tavern, have a fantastic meal and a refreshing drink,

with the added benefit of supporting the Clubs sponsorship.

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Peter Allen
First Team


Our Gosnells Clubroom is for hire.       

For more infomation, go to our 'CLUBROOM HIRE' page

Club Social Media Sources

  The Club's Social Media is the best way to keep up to date with all the latest    events and information on Club activities:

                   Facebook -

                   Twitter -

                   Instagram -



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